Sunday, July 20, 2014

Congratulations to Sally and James……..

Yesterday, I went to a wedding. The couple getting married had been at university with The Good Man, and I had met the bride, just the once. Preparations had been undertaken, in the form of shoes and the loveliest dress, and this was done in plenty of time, leaving me shed loads of time to have my customary breakdown.

Anyone that knows me, will tell you that I am accessory queen. I have been raided in the past, by friends and daughters, who are looking for that perfect necklace/bangle/hair clip/scarf/shoes/bag/nail varnish to go with an outfit. My wheelchair… accessory, it is not. And no-one is queuing up to borrow it. Despite that, and despite myself, I have to say I do love it. It enables me, mostly, to get around.

The wedding was in an old church, next to the vicarage, and this is where the reception was being held. And it was BEAUTIFUL. I found myself just looking at my surroundings. I was left silent, and just looking, and watching. Stunning. There was a marquee in the garden, and this held it's own, just, whilst fighting an almighty storm. The storm cleared, and food was had before we descended on the garden, sitting on bales around fire pits.

I get nervous meeting new people, especially in groups, but really, again, there was no need. I am an idiot. The vicar even had a ramp, and this also helped. And where the ramp was needed, but couldn't be used, there were people willing, and happy to help. The fact that they were mostly marine boys, offering to carry me, didn't really register. AT ALL ;) And nor did your knee in my back, Mr Fox ;)

People offered to help, and asked if I needed anything. And however I responded……No thanks…….Yes please, could you just blah blah blah…….was fine. And that, was a joy. And quite a rare joy. At social gatherings, there is usually at least one person, who seems intent on forcefully trying to make me realise that I don't know what's best for me. Well, I am the boss of me, and I am not here to make people feel better because they helped the poor disabled girl.

Sometimes in life there are moments, that pathetic fallacy comes in to play. Often you won't realise it until you reflect back, and when I got home I realised that my emotions very much matched the turbulent storm. Feeling sad/angry about being in a wheelchair, excited to be dressed up in that gorgeous dress, and spending quality time with The Good Man's friends, tired (always tired), and most of all anxious. However, as we all know, weather changes, it develops and sometimes it can develop into something beautiful. Last night my view was of a peaceful and beautiful lake and it could only be described as serene. And that's how I felt. My two youngest girls at home (getting along... what?) while the little man slept, The Good Man by my side but chatting and doing his own thing, and me, feeling human again.

click on the pictures to enlarge them, to see the true beauty

I'd like to wish Sally and James a beautiful lifetime together, and offer my congratulations on an excellent day. You kicked off your life as Mr and Mrs in a relaxed and seemingly effortless and beautiful style. Long may it continue.

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