Sunday, April 27, 2014

Whoop Whoop You Da Man!

Today, I went to watch a friend take part in a Wolf Run. And very impressive it was too! For those of you that don't know, Wolf stands for woods, obstacles, lakes, and fields. The run is set over 10 kilometres or 6.2 miles, and includes all these types of terrain. I was at the finish, where I got to watch the wolf runners jump in a big, chest deep trench full of thick muddy water, up and over a slick muddy hill and down into another trench.

I was amazed that everyone taking part looked so happy. Maybe it was because the finish line was in sight. Or maybe it was the camaraderie amongst the runners. Whatever it was, I was impressed. It wasn't a race, and people were helping each other out. People of all ages and sizes were taking part too. I met my unbelievably muddy and wet, but happy friend, and gave him what was possibly the best chocolate bar EVER.

As for me, I also felt like I was undertaking a massive challenge, wheeling myself over fields, so to congratulate ourselves, all six of us, plus the little man, went to the pub for a good and much needed roast, or the veggie equivalent.

As for the friend that took part, I've known him since the olden days......the days when I was walking, driving, studying, working, gyming, swimming......and now that's all changed for me, BUT I haven't changed in who I am. And he treats me just the same as he always has. And for that, I will always be at the finish line with a snickers.

Check out the WOLF Run Website here for details of the next big run if you'd like to take part. HERE

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